New Year Newsings

At this blessed time of changing of an arbitrary date format based on a single religious figure, I can’t help but look to the year ahead. What exciting wars or plagues will we see this year? Will the plucky cave-dwelling apes continue to destroy the planet? And most importantly, will this finally be the year I’m installed as benevolent emprix* after a bloodless coup?

Proud Pink Sky

That’s right! This is the release year for everyone’s favourite novel about the world’s first gay state. Comes complete with map of this alternate Berlin, a glossary for the gay slang Polari, and real words covering almost every page.

Publisher’s Weekly recently reviewed the novel, calling it “gripping” and a “remarkable alternate history”. Proud Pink Sky is currently available for preorder on all your favourite (and least favourite) book sites, and buying it will make a certain queer giant very happy indeed.

That’s a good thing. You want that.

Ambitopian Adventures

Proud Pink Sky is an ambitopian novel — a term I came up with to describe works exploring human extremes outside of the restrictive binary of utopia and dystopia. The concept has been talked about a fair bit, and I was delighted to see that the artist and composer Yann Novak has created an excellent radio show called Sounds Toward a Queer Ambitopia.

It’s wonderfully atmospheric, and I’ve been listening to it while writing my horrifying stories. You can listen to it here. Do it. Do it now. But also, keep reading.

Stories stories stories!

I’m pleased to announce that I have upcoming short story publications!

First up we have ‘The Past Made Flesh’, which is being published in the British Science Fiction Association’s Fission anthology, alongside a host of great writers. I’m absolutely thrilled to be included, and am particularly proud of this story, which follows the adventures of nursing home resident Barbara.

Fission 2.2 can be ordered from this exciting dystopian website. And other websites.

Meanwhile, I have another exciting story announcement, which will be coming soon…

Hear my beautiful voice

I’ve been interviewed a couple more times, and will post links as soon as they’re available — some of which will coincide with the launch of Proud Pink Sky, including the Queer Words Podcast with the absolutely lovely Wayne Goodman.

I will also be doing readings in person at various locations, so if you wish to gaze upon me while quietly whispering my name, this will be the perfect opportunity. More details will be announced here, on my Goodreads page, and, gods willing, projected onto the night sky for all to see, whether they like it or not.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten something and it’ll come to me precisely three minutes after I upload this post, but for that’s all for now!

Join me next time for more exciting ambitopian adventures!

- Proud Pinkfern

*This is the nonbinary term for emperor/empress which I invented. You are most welcome.