Events Events Events!

This is a very quick I-finally-seem-to-have-that-annual-autumn-cold post, taking a break between feeling guilty about not working to, well, work. Only briefly though, so this still counts as ‘resting’. Sort of.

Anyway, last week’s PARATAXE event at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin was an absolutely wonderful experience. Each of the three panels (covering past, present, and future in Berlin’s English-language writing) was fascinating, and it was fantastic to meet so many great writers, poets, and artists in person.

It was especially pleasing to share a panel with Ambika Thompson and Arielle Cottingham, where we spent much time talking about the city’s gentrification and what it means for queer artists of all kinds — moderated by the lovely Florian Duijsens. The event’s panels can be viewed online here.

The next event takes place October 14 at Berlin’s Brotfabrik, where I’ll be doing a reading with Man­ca Klun for PARATAXE. Details are available here.

That’s all for now! Join me next time when I’ll still be pretending to rest while secretly doing work! While still sick! Gotta live that 21st-century millennial dream!

— Redfern