Proud Pink Sky cover reveal and release date!

I’m thrilled to have received Proud Pink Sky’s final cover design from my editor! Rendered in cyberpunk neon tones reminiscent of the bi and trans pride flags, I’m truly delighted with the design – especially the intricate and energetic detail of the gay megacity.

And we now have a release date: March 2023. Meanwhile, the novel’s page on Amble’s site has been updated. You’ll see plenty of news on Proud Pink Sky before then, so be sure to check back in!

That’s not even all! My short story ‘More’ was featured in issue 9 of Orca, available both as an ebook and in print. Orca publish some fantastic literary and speculative fiction, and I’m honoured to have been included.

Well, I best re-chain myself to my desk, in case I get any funny ideas about “escaping” or “freedom”. There are always more words to rearrange!

Until next time!
