Story in Nature!

So it’s that time of year when Berlin’s sky sinks into a wonderful shade of depression grey for the three hours of daylight before it gets dark. There have been two recent bright spots, however: first, I had a lovely trip to Vienna with my partner Ismar, where we spent our time avoiding antivaxxer demos and reading in beautiful cafes (a dream trip for two bookish introverts). And secondly, my speculative flash story ‘Bringing Back the Stars’ — which follows ageing movie star Jack Stanley as he returns to youth and tries to rekindle past fame — has been published in Nature, for their Futures section.

Obviously I’m thrilled for my story to be featured, and I was also asked to write a short piece detailing its inspiration. Both can be read here.

I’ve also very recently been informed that my speculative short story ‘More’ will be published in Orca, a fantastic magazine which publishes some really excellent fiction. More details to come!

Until next time, fellow cafe-dwellers!

- Redfern

How I would spend 100% of my time if I could.